My name is Shaike Aharonov, I am married and have 3 wonderful children, A high-tech person, 48 years old. I have first degree in Electronics and Computer Engineering and second degree in MBA. What happened that a high-tech person that is earning very well decide one day to leave it all? Ok it wasn't in one day, it was a process that I had to do with myself few years back, when I saw myself burnout at the work that I did, As high-tech person I was working 12 hours a day at crazy hours during the day and getting back home late at night seeing my children already sleeping and I didn't have any quality time with them, I felt like "divorcee" in related to my children like I only saw them at weekends (without offending all of the divorcee out there). I felt the big miss, during the years. Due to that I have decided that the best way for me will be to work at home and create new Digital Assets preferred passive ones. At night I was starting to surf the internet to find how to make money online, I have started with eBay and Amazon and opened stores there that started to grow more and more but still didn't allow me to leave my work, yet! Then I have found Affiliate Marketing and Digital Courses that taught me a lot about online incomes.
One day it happened, I have broken my leg and was out of work for 4 months. When you sit at home without the ability to work your thoughts starts running, thinking on the future and what will happen if I will get laid off work? Or I they will find someone younger than me that willing to work twice hard for half the salary I was getting (after 20 years in high-tech). That was the moment I have decided I must take care of myself & family and create digital internet assets, preferred as much passive as I can. Once I was able to reach the goal and I was earning well from the online business I left my job and became responsible for my life family and work.
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